Join the Movement

Thank you for your interest in joining the community of local businesses at Authentic Cape Cod. Working together, we are raising awareness of the importance of doing business with truly local companies. We’re also joining forces to promote the Authentic Cape Cod badge, driving traffic to this site and to the businesses listed here.

All participating businesses must meet these criteria:

• Corporation, LLC or Partnership. (No DBAs)
• Minimum 5 years in business
• Has a website presence
• Minimum 4.5 review score (Google, facebook, Yelp) with a minimum of 25 reviews
• Does business primarily on Cape Cod (no regional or national chains)
• Owner(s) live on Cape Cod

Membership costs $200 per month. Funds are used for advertising and promotions to generate traffic for the website and raise awareness for the businesses listed.

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2

For internal use only (not appearing on the website)

I have read and affirm that our business meets the criteria listed above*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Contact Name
Owner Name
Owner Home Address
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