About Us

Authentic Cape Cod

is an association of Cape Cod business owners who are excited to share their skills, their wares, cuisine, hospitality and experiences that contribute so much to what makes Cape Cod such a special place to live and to visit.

We believe that working with local businesses makes life better for all. Whether it’s gift shopping at a one-of-a-kind boutique, dining at a classic seafood restaurant, or hiring skilled tradesmen with deep roots in the community, you can feel good about doing business locally.

In 2023 Jared Grier, owner of Cape Cod Heat Pumps, identified that more and more customers had expressed interest in working with locally owned and operated businesses. In the HVAC business, for example, the last few years have seen significant consolidation, with Cape Cod businesses being bought up by out-of-state corporations and investment capital firms. In some cases, they continue to use the original business name to disguise the new ownership. Other conglomerates continue to describe themselves as “family owned and operated.” This can make it hard to know who you’re really dealing with.

The reality is that customers often prefer a personal connection with the businesses they work with, and that connection is lost when your call is routed to an out-of-state call center, you no longer have the option to speak with the owner, or you get a different technician every time you need a service call. Keeping it local means working with familiar faces. You get to know the person who answers the phone, who to speak to if you need more help. The employees get to know you, your preferences and your needs.

Customers also like supporting local businesses because it helps the regional economy. When you work with these businesses, most of that revenue stays here on the Cape. Local businesses often source goods and services nearby; they hire Cape residents, and they reinvest in the community through taxes paid, local sponsorships and charitable contributions.

Local businesses are, by necessity, more accountable to their customers and the community. When you live and work in the same neighborhood with your customers, your reputation is of the utmost importance. You pay greater attention to ethical business practices such as fair wages, environmental responsibility, and ethical sourcing.

With these thoughts in mind, in 2024 Jared reached out to other similar, truly local companies to promote their businesses and help customers identify which businesses are “authentically” Cape Cod. We use the Authentic Cape Cod lobster “stamp” to identify these businesses as well as to reinforce the importance of doing business on Cape whenever possible.

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